Friday, April 22, 2011

Some of my favourite Muslim jokes

Two American Muslims are kidnapped by members of an extreme right-wing militia, and taken away for execution. As they are being tied to their posts, a militiaman comes and and says "Alright ya ragheads, 'cause I'm feeling nice, how 'bout one last cigarette before we shoot ya?"
The first Muslim defiantly screams "Go to hell you disbelieving scum!"
The second Muslim cringes and whispers "Shhhhh, Abdullah, you're making us look bad...."

Rashid was depressed. A friend noticed and asked him what was wrong. "Y-y-y-you s-s-see bro" Rashid replied, "I g-g-g-got knocked b-b-back for a j-job offer."
His friend asked "What job, Rashid?"
"Well, Rashid, if you think about it, you'll have to admit that's not very surprising"
"D-d-damn straight bro. B-b-b-bloody I-i-islamophobes."

Bob the atheist was taking a walk in the park one day when he passed a Catholic priest. Bob shouted to the priest "Your religion is a fantasy!" and continued merrily on his way. Bob then happened to walk by a Rabbi. Turning his head, Bob exclaimed "Everything you believe in is a lie!" Feeling rather pleased with himself, he then happened to come across a Muslim cleric. Bob murmured "Good morning sir."

Warning: this next one is very Australia-specific......

For his annual leave, a traditional Pakistani Muslim from Melbourne decided to visit Queensland. Passing through a small rural town, he cut quite a strange figure in his skullcap and shalwar kameez as he fingered his prayer beads. People would stop and stare, and little kids would follow him, giggling all the way. Soon he had practically the whole town following his every step! Finally losing his temper, he whirled around and screamed "Ok fine! Stare at the bloody Mexican!"

Finally, an oldie but a goodie:

"When I was in the desert," said Mullah Masruddin (yep, that Naruddin!), "I caused an entire tribe of horrible and bloodthirsty bedouins to run."
"However did you do it?" asked a person.
"Easy, I just ran, and they ran after me."


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